NAME: Prof AA Kwasau 


TEL: 08057217740


  1. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH:  1954-Zagom
  2. STATE: Kaduna
  3. LGA: Zangon Kataf
  4. NATIONALITY: Nigerian
  5. MARITAL STATUS: Married
  6. GENDER: Male
  7. CONTACT ADDRESS: Department of Languages Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – NDA Kaduna
  8. DATE OF APPOINTMENT: 1 – 6 – 90
  9. PRESENT RANK: Professor



  1. PhD (English)ABU, (1984).  M.Ed (English), UniJos (1990)
  2. MLS (Master in Leadership Studies), NDA, (2017) NCE(Eng/Geo), (1980)
  3. Advanced Certificate in Personnel (Mgt), ABU, (2006) Trs Grd. Basawa TC, Zaria, (1975)




  1. Kwasau, A.A, (2012). “Oral English as an Aid to Learning in Higher Institutions in Nigeria:” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science: Vol. 2 No. 8 (Special Issue of Contemporary Issues in Social Science) Centre for Promoting Ideas, US. ISSN: 2220-8488. Pp 97-103
  2. Kwasau, A.A, (2013). “Literature in English as an Aid to performance in English Language at the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination in Kaduna State – Kaduna” in Approaches in International Journal of Research Development, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2012. University of Sierra Leon. ISSN: 2114-1409. PP100-108
  3. Kwasau, A.A, (2013) “A Critical Analysis of the Empirical Studies on the Implementation of English for Academic Purposes programme in the Nigerian University System:” International Journal of Emerging knowledge – Vol. 1 (9) (April, 2013-March, 2014)-United Kingdom (UK). ISSN: 2360-9753. Pp 154-162.
  4. Kwasau A.A, (2015) The Teaching of English for Academic purposes in the Nigerian University: Academic Discourse: vol. 8 No. 1, 2015, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. PP 349-359


  1. Kwasau, A.A, (2015), A Critical Evaluation of Challenges of Teaching Oral English in Nigerian Colleges and Tertiary Institutions, University of Uyo Journal of Humanities. Vol. 19 No. 1 2015. A publication of Faculty of Arts, University of Uyo, Uyo-Nigeria. PP88-105
  2. Kwasau, A.A, (2013) “A Critical Analysis of Nigerian Languages in Ethno-Linguistic Conflicts”: Kada Journal of Liberal Arts: vol. 7 No. 1. 2013. A Publication of theFaculty of Arts, Kaduna State University. ISSN: 2006-1587. PP27-38
  3. Kwasau, A.A, (2011) “Use of Language by Cadets in the Battalion Lines of the Nigerian Defence Academy.” Vol. 67, 2011. Journal of Faculty of Arts and Social Science Research NDA-Kaduna ISSN: 1119-6378. PP137-150
  4. Kwasau, A.A, (2014) A Critical Analysis of Academic Writing and its Reality for University Students in Nigeria. TAGUWA: The Journal of Humanities. Vol. 4 No. 1, 2014. A publication of the Faculty of Humanities. Umaru Musa Yar’Adua University, Katsina ISSN: 2141-1662. PP34-52
  5. Kwasau, A.A, (2005) “Military Thought and Communication Skills”: The Academy Journal of Defence Studies: vol. II, 2005 Journal of the Nigerian Academy, ISSN: 1119-8795 PP56-70
  6. Kwasau, A.A, (2008) “Linguistic Thought and Scientific Reality,” vol. 4-2008. Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. ISSN: 1119-6378. PP107-120
  7. Kwasau, A.A, (2013) “The Mechanics of Reading” in K. Alexander et al (eds) “Communication in English” with Copyright @ Kaduna State University, Kaduna, 2013. PYLA-Mak Services Ltd. ISSN: 978-931-978-086-9 O. Ayodabo et al (eds). PP217-231
  8. Kwasau, A.A, (2013) “Linguistic Diversity and the problem of National Cohesion in Nigeria” in Issues in Language and Linguistic: Perspectives from Nigeria: vol. 1 2013: Published by Language Study Group of Nigeria (LSGN) *Kaduna* Oyo* Enugu* Lagos: In conjunction with the Department of English and Drama, Kaduna State University, Kaduna. Al-Uzzy White Ventures, Kaduna ISBN: 978-8090-990-0. PP137-157
  9. Kwasau, A.A, & DE Sabo (2013). “Foreign Languages, Peace Support Operations and the Nigerian Military” in OA Tangban et al (Eds): Nigerian Defence and Security; Essays in Commemoration of Nigerian Defence Academy Golden Jubilee, Edited 2014. PYLA-Mak Services Ltd. ISBN: 978-978-39979-8 (Hard Cover). PP693-703
  10. Kwasau, A.A, (2006) “Motivating the Teacher for Greater performance in the 21st Century in Nigeria.” Abuja Journal of Education; Published by the Faculty of Education, University of Abuja, Nigeria: Vol. 1 No. 1-2006. ISSN: 1596-0870. PP102-121
  11. Kwasau, A.A, (2011) “The Implications of Communicative Principles of Operational Research for Armed Forces Command,” KADA Journal of Liberal Arts: Vol. 5, No.1, 2011. A publication of the Faculty of Arts, Kaduna State University- Kaduna ISSN: 2006-1587 PP 35-46


  1. School Mgt in a Depressed Economy: Being an International Conference Organized by Young Men Christian Association Kaduna, 14th-15th September 2015.
  2. Leadership Qualities of Teachers and Motivational Approach to Teaching: Being a Paper, presented at a Seminar for Teachers organized by First Baptist Model Schools, Ahmadu Bello Way, Kaduna: 12th-14th September 2007.
  3. National Conference on Teachers Education: Organized by the Faculty of Education, University of Abuja 17th-21st October, 2006.
  4. International 2-Day Conference on Reviewing Training Manuals for Security Forces Colleges: Organized by KONRAD-ADENAUER –STIFTUNG-GERMANY- 25th-26th November, 2014.
  5. A capacity Building conference on: Institutions, Organizational Culture and Service Delivery organized by SKYLAB Communications Consult-Abuja.
  6. A 2-Day International Conference on Peace Advocacy in Nigeria, organized by RECONCILIATION TRAINERS AFRICA (RETA) BUKURU-JOS PLATEAU STATE:  22nd-23rd April, 2021.