Professor Noah Echa Attah

Professor Noah Echa Attah
African Economic History and Development,
Department of History and Diplomatic Studies,
Federal University of Kashere, Nigeria

Noah Echa Attah is a Professor of African Economic History and Development in the Department of History and Diplomatic Studies, Federal University of Kashere, Nigeria. He had his BA from Lagos State University, Ojo, Nigeria and trained at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria for his MA and PhD. Professor Attah is a recipient of over two dozen travel grants from prestigious organizations such as Carnegie, New York, the Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS) and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), which he utilized to present his research findings in Europe and the United States of America. Similarly, he is a recipient of some prestigious research grants and fellowships. Some of these include the African Humanities Programme (AHP) Postdoctoral Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS); the Otto Bennemann Fellowship for Innovative Methodological Approaches in International Textbook Research awarded by the Georg Eckert Institute (GEI), Brauschweig, Germany in 2016; the African Peace building Network (APN) Research Fellowship of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), New York.

His research focus is on agrarian studies, environmental studies, and conflicts and peace building. He has authored several book chapters and journal articles in reputable peer reviewed local and international outlets. He co-edited a book on Critical Perspectives on Peace, Conflict and Warfare in Africa in 2012.

Journals and Articles