Dr. Murtala Abubakar Gada

Dr. Murtala Abubakar Gada                         
Department Of Geography
Email: mahagada@gmail.com


  1. Ph.D. Land and Water Management – Cranfield University, UK       2014
  2. M.Sc. Geography (Hydrology) – Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria      2006
  3. B.Sc, Geography – Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto               1999
  4. Area of specialization: Hydrology, Environment, Integrated Land and Water Resources Management



  1. Wali S.U., M.A. Gada, I.M. Dankani, I. Hamisu (2022): Relating Groundwater to Geology in Sokoto Basin, North-Western Nigeria Using Multivariate and Regression Analysis: Implications for Groundwater Availability. International Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 6 (2): 57-65,  http:/medcraveonline.com         Indexed
  2. Wali S.U., M.A. Gada, I. Hamisu, K.J. Umar, I.G. Abor (2022): Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater in Rural Kebbi State, Northwestern Nigeria Using Multivariate Analysis: Implication for Groundwater Quality Management. MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7 (3): 65-75,  http:/medcraveonline.com          Indexed
  3. Wali S.U., N. B. Alias, S. B. Harun, K.J. Umar, M.A. Gada, I.M. Dankani, I. U. Kaoje, A. A. Usman (2022): Water Quality Indices and Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Urban Groundwater in Semi-Arid Sokoto Basin, Northwestern Nigeria.  Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 18 (2022) 100779,  http://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2022.100779           Indexed
  4. Wali S.U., M.A. Gada, K.J. Umar, A. Abba, A. Umar (2021): Understanding the Causes, Effects and Remediation of Salinity in Irrigated Fields. A Review. Journal of Environmental Impact and Management Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1, Pp. 10-41. 1 http://journal.hmjournals.com/index.php/JEIMP   IndexedWali S.U., S.D. Abubakar, I.M. Dankani, M.A. Gada, K.J. Umar (2021): Understanding Anthropogenic and Geogenic Controls on Major Elements of Water Quality in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas in Africa: A Review. Academia Journal of Environmental Sciences, 9 (8): 041-055,  http://journal.hmjournals.com/index.php/JEIMP   Indexed
  5. Wali S.U., I.M. Dankani, S.D. Abubakar, M.A. Gada, K.J. Umar (2021): Detailed Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical Reassessment of Coastal Basins of Southwestern Nigeria. Geol Earth Mar Sci,, Volume 3(1): 1-25, ISSN 2769-0571, DOI: 10.31038/GEMS.2021312
  6. Abdulqadir A.U., M.A. Gada, A.M. Bayawa, I.M. Dankani, S.U. Wali (2020): Examination of Surface Water Along River-Rima Floodplain in Wamakko, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Journal of Geological Research, 2(3), DOI:  https://doi.org/10.30564/jgr.v2i3.2149,    Online ISSN: 2630-4961               Indexed
  7. Wali S.U., I.M. Dankani, S.D. Abubakar, M.A. Gada, K.J. Umar, A.U. Abdulqadir, I.M. Shera (2020): Reassessing Groundwater Potentials and Subsurface Water Hydro-chemistry in a Tropical Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Geological Research, 2(3), DOI:  https://doi.org/10.30564/jgr.v2i3.2141, Online ISSN: 2630-4961    Indexed
  8. Wali S.U., S.D. Abubakar, I.M. Dankani, M.A. Gada, A.A. Usman (2019): Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of the Sokoto Basin, Northwestern Nigeria: A Review. Sokoto Journal of Geography and the Environment, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 106-122, ISSN: 2705-3180 
  9. M.A. Gada and A.T. Umar (2018): Evaluating the Water Balance of Sokoto Basement Complex to Address Water Security Challenges. Elixir Geography, 116 (2018) 50000-50005, www.elixirpublishers.com, ISSN: 2229-712X                        Indexed
  10. Wali S.U., Umar K.J., M.A Gada, Usman A.A., (2018): Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater in Cretaceous and Tertiary Aquifers of Northern Kebbi State, Nigeria. SF J Environ Earth Sci. 2018; 1(1): 1005, https://scienceforecastoa.com/, ISSN: 2643-8070 Indexed
  11. M.A. Gada (2018): Assessment of Rain Water Harvest Potential in Sokoto Basin for Improved Water Resource Management. Global Scientific Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Online: ISSN 2320-9186, www.globalscientificjournal.com        Indexed
  12. Wali S.U., Umar K.J., Dankani I.M., Abubakar S.D., M.A. Gada, Umar A., Usman A.A., (2018): Groundwater Hydrochemical Characterization in Urban Areas of Southwestern Sokoto Basin, Nigeria. SF J Environ Earth Sci. 2018; 1(1): 1006, https://scienceforecastoa.com/,  ISSN: 2643-8070                          Indexed
  13. Abubakar Sheikh D., S.U. Wali, A.M. Usman, I.M. Dankani, M.A. Gada, N. Bello and N.A. Bagudo (2018): Physico-Chemical Examination of Water Quality in Sokoto South L.G.A, Sokoto State. Journal of Social and Management Sciences, New Series Vol. 4, No. 2, ISSN – 1117-465X
  14. M.A. Gada (2017): An Examination of Urban Pipe-Borne Water Supply and Demand in Sokoto Metropolis, Sokoto State. Sokoto Journal of the Social Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1. DOI: 10.29816/sjss.7.1.11, ISSN Print: 1595-2738, ISSN Online: 2384-7654          Indexed
  15. A.T. Umar and M.A. Gada (2017): Pattern of Rainfall Anomalies and Rural Water Supply in Sudano-Sahelian Region of Nigeria. Zaria Geographer, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 21-33, ISSN: 0795-7599  
  16. Maishanu, H.M., Magami, I.M., M.A. Gada and Mohammed, S.A. (2017):  Plankton Dynamics and Status of Limnological Variables in Kware Lake, Sokoto Nigeria, American International Journal of Biology, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 25-38, DOI:0.15640/aijb.v5n1a2, ISSN 2334-2323 (Print) 2334-2331 (Online)          Indexed
  17. S.U. Wali, U. Abdullahi and M.A. Gada (2017): Effects of Rainfall Fluctuations on Groundwater Quality in Rural Communities of Kebbi State, Nigeria. The Nigerian Geographical Journal, Vol. 11 (1)  ISSN 1358-4319, pp. 50-64  
  18. M.A. Gada, Mustapha Alibe and Mustapha M. Kime (2016): An Appraisal of Rural Water Supply Schemes in Konduga Local Government Area, Borno State, Maiduguri Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (MAJASS), Vol.13 No.1, Pp. 30-36. ISSN: 0189-9716  
  19. M.A. Gada, S.D. Abubakar and N.B. Eniolorunda (2016): Emergence and Re-emergence of Surface Lakes in the Kalambaina Formation Sokoto Basin, Northwest Nigeria, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, Sept. 2016, ISSN 2229-5518, Pp. 1325-1336, http://www.ijser.org                                     Indexed
  20. M.A. Gada and S.D. Abubakar (2015): Hydrological Processes and Water Resource Management in Sokoto Basement Complex Region. Zaria Geographer, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 34-47. ISSN: 0795-7599   
  21. D. Abubakar and M.A. Gada (2012): Climate Change and Variability in River Flow Pattern in the Semi-Arid Environment (A Case of River Rima, Sokoto), International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue 11, ISSN: 2249-5894, 38-47
  22. M.A. Gada (2009): An Investigation of Groundwater Potential of Gada Town, Sokoto State, Using Geotechnical Survey. Maiduguri Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (MAJASS), Vol.7 No.2, Pp. 60-70. ISSN: 0189-9716



  1. Iliya MA, Dankani IM and MA Gada (Eds): Sokoto Region. Department of Geography UDU Sokoto (In Press)
  2. MA Gada and N. Bello (2023): Hydrology and Water Resources of the Sokoto Region. In Iliya MA, Dankani IM and MA Gada (Eds): Sokoto Region. Department of Geography UDU Sokoto (In Press)
  3. MA Gada and NB Eniolorunda (2023): Relief of the Sokoto Region. In Iliya MA, Dankani IM and MA Gada (Eds): Sokoto Region. Department of Geography UDU Sokoto (In Press)
  4. Yusuf Y.O, J.O. Folorunsho, M.A. Gada, R.D. Abu and T.Y. Rilwanu (Eds) (2022). Integrated Environmental Management Issues. A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Edwin Osawe Iguisi, (Professor of Geomorphology and Hydrology), ABU Press
  5. T. Dansabo and M.A. Gada (2017): Farmers – Herders Conflict as an Impediment to Agricultural Development: A Study of the Middle Rima Valley Irrigation Scheme Project with Goronyo Dam. In S. Khalid, M. Abubakar, I.M. Dankani, Y.T. Baba and I. Sani: Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria: Issues and Challenges. A publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Pp. 584-601, ISBN: 978-978-56841-8-6
  6. Iliya M.A and M.A. Gada (2010): Rural water supply in Sokoto, North-Western Nigeria. In Uzo M.I., M.A. Ijioma and E.C. Onyenechere (Eds): Rural Water Supply in Nigeria, Cape Publishers International Ltd. No 106 Aduobi Crescent, Ikenegbu Layout Owerri, Imo State, Pp. 359-367   ISBN: 978-978-53028-0-6 


  1. M.A Gada, M. Bala, Dankani, I.M. (2021): Assessment of the Challenges of Potable Water Supply in Sokoto Metropolis by Sokoto State Water Board. In Eze Bassey Eze, Pauline A. Essoko, Joel Efiong, Richard Anigha, Moses Abua and Devalsam, I. Eni (eds). Hydrology and Sanitation in a Changing Environment. 11th International Conference Proceedings of the Nigeria Association of Hydrological Sciences (NAHS), University of Calabar, Pp. 493-498. 
  2. M.A. Gada, G.A. Budah, S.D. Abubakar, I. Sani (2019): Numerical Modelling of Runoff/Erosion for Natural Flood Management and Control Along The Rima River Floodplain. In M.A Iliya, I.A. Adamu, S.D. Abubakar, I.M. Dankani, M.A. Gada and N. Bello (Eds): Water Security, Society and Partnership for Sustainable Development. 10th International Conference Proceedings of the Nigeria Association of Hydrological Sciences (NAHS), Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, pp. 321-328, ISBN: 978-978-977-533-9
  3. Bello Nura and M.A. Gada, (2019): An Appraisal of relationship Between Drinking Water Sources and Diseases Prevalence in Yauri Town, Kebbi State, Nigeria. In M.A Iliya, I.A. Adamu, S.D. Abubakar, I.M. Dankani, M.A. Gada and N. Bello (Eds): Water Security, Society and Partnership for Sustainable Development. 10th International Conference Proceedings of the Nigeria Association of Hydrological Sciences (NAHS), Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, pp. 208-211, ISBN: 978-978-977-533-9