Dr Martins E. Irhebhude

                                             Dr. Martins E. Irhebhude
                           Senior Lecturer, Computer Science Department
                                             Nigerian Defence Academy
Email: mirhebhude@nda.edu.ng

Martins E. Irhebhude received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Nigeria, Edo State in 2003 and 2008, respectively. In 2015, he completed his PhD research degree at Loughborough University’s Computer Science Department under the supervision of Eran A. Edirisinghe PhD, a Professor of Digital Image Processing. Martins is a Senior Lecturer at Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna, Department of Computer Science. Since 2004, he has been teaching and conducting research in and around the Defence Academy. Teaching Assistant at Loughborough University between 2014 – 2015. He is currently the Assistant Dean Post Graduate School Nigerian Defence Academy. He has held several appointments; such as: Chairman Publications Committee (IJCISR),Faculty Examination Officer, Assistant Faculty Examination Officer, Postgraduate School Representative for External Defence for PhD/MSc Theses, Management Board of Centre for Research in Science and Technology (CRISAT), Departmental Examination Officer (Computer Science), Management Board of Centre for Chemical, Biological, Nuclear and Environmental Research, Resource Person Research Methodology for PhD Students (PGS),Editorial Assistant AJSE, Secretary/Associate Editor IJCISR, Programme Leader PGDCS, Course Advisers (Computer Science), Member, Resource Inspection and Accreditation Committee, Secretary/Member on Committee on Academic Staff Development and Appraisal etc. A member of Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Student Member Society of Optics and Photonics (SPIE) and Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) 2014. Researches include object detection, people tracking, people re-identification, object recognition, and vision-related research are among his research interests.

Journals and Articles